Paint-Off Friday, Oil painting of Portreath Rock.

At some point a few months ago I went on a long road trip down to Cornwall and back, to visit some friends, get some country air, see some nice scenery, and just to get away from it all.  I spent one afternoon in Portreath on the north coast and took some photos that I figured would be useful as reference for future paintings. 


As today is friday, now formally known as "Paint-Off Friday", I figured it time to take advantage of my photographic foresight and do a painting based on aforementioned photos.  So here's a work-as-it-progresses suite of pictures of "Portreath Rock".

Couple of blobs of blue paint to set the scene and get the real dark bits in place. 

Bit more sea.

Sea's done, let's get some rock colours in there.

It looks nothing like the photo, but that's OK cos it's art.

Just about done!

Finished, and now photographed under a bright yellow lounge light to really help bring out those colours accurately. 


  1. Paneling is sometimes glued on, in these cases you will not be able to remove it without tearing up the drywall paper facing under it. You will also have glue ridging to smooth out with patching compound. Flip Flop Paint



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